Friday, October 5, 2007

Limited edition

This miniature has been a long time coming. This is foundry's limited edition figure " Napoleon Crossing The Alps" sculpted by Alan Perry. For those of you out there wondering why it's a limited edition figure, foundry had a promotion some years ago and to this day still do the same thing were if you buy so much or if you buy a certain type of figures you would get a limited edition figure. Well ever since I was this figure I fell in love with it, it has taken me quite some time in trying to locate one of these, for one they are not out there in a lot of quantity, plus the fact that whoever got them used and painted them up for themselves, made this very hard for me to get one. Not to mention when I did find one for sale it was always very costly since they are in such high demand by the Napoleonic wargaming community. So you would be surprised when I found one on sale on E-Bay for a mere $20.00 U.S. (Buy it now option). Needless to say I scooped it up right away.
Here is a bit pf a close-up of him, the most troubling part for me in painting this miniature was his horse, I always have trouble in painting white horses, nevermind trying to blend in some grey with the white, I only hope I did this great sculpt justice with my poor painting skills.
Finally a shot of the rear of the figure, his cloak took some tinkering with, I finally decided on orange as a highlight, I think it came out quite nicely, red is so hard to highlight because no matter how lite the red is it always tends to blend in with the base coat, just one of the pitfalls in working with red well maybe just for me, anyway thanks for viewing and I hope you've received some inspiration or viewing pleasure for the Napoleonic era.

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