Saturday, August 25, 2007


Here are a couple of figures I finished over the last couple of days. The first were already finished but I based them. The second miniature is a Red Lancer officer.

This scenic base is supposed to show an assistant adjutant commander scouting the terrain and opposing troop dispostions for the senoir commanders back at H.Q., and just for his safety he has a lolley o'single voltigeur for his protection, who is keeping watch for the both of them because he knows if they get in a jam with the enemy he won't be able to count on the prissy asst. adjutant for help, because he is an officer and he can't get his fingernails dirty. Just kidding, I'd thought I'd throw a little humour in the explanation, on a more serious note, the voltigeur is from Foundry from the Young Guard pack. The asst. adjutant is from the Perry range FN55 Mounted and Dismounted Staff Officers.
This guy is a Red Lancer officer just hanging around as in the Perry range title of this pack, FN53 Hangers On High Ranking Officers of various regiments.
A little close-up for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for looking and bue for now.

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