Friday, July 27, 2007


Currently I'm working on the Reille's 2nd Corp of Napoleon's 1815 Grande Armee. The 72nd regiment of Campi's 2nd brigade is the current infantry regiment I'm trying to finish right now. Here are a couple of shots of a wounded infantryman that I'm going to put into one of my companies for the 72nd regiment.
This particular figure is from the Perry Miniatures line coded FN16 Line Casualties of the 1815 French range.
Here is the group shot of the 1st company of the 72nd regiment. You can tell it's the 1st regiment by the green discs on their shako's. The first line is being shot at with a volley of some sort, while the second line keeps on marching, simply soaking up their comrades deaths by walking over them to their objective.
As you can see I'm still in the W.I.P. stage of the 72nd regiment, this company when done will be the third one done, the others being the 2nd and the 3rd companies, so when it's finally all glued and based I'll have the green,blue and orange disc companies done and I'll give you a group shot so you can see how's it coming. All these figures are from the 1815 Perry Miniatures range, if you're interested the codes are, FN9 Line Infantry March Attack, FN10 Line Infantry Greatcoats March Attack, and finally as stated before the FN16 Line Casualties. I plan on having 36 figures in my battalions, it will be quite big but that's the way I like it. Currently I'm torn between rules that I'm going to use but I'm leaning heavily towards the "General de'Brigade" rule set. Anyway that's all for now, see you soon.

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