Wednesday, December 19, 2007

more of a good thing

This fellow is a trumpeter from the 12th Regiment which is the 2nd regiment of the 2nd brigade from the 13th division. This regiment is going to be in reserve as your going to see in the near future.
An upward angle shot of him, he belongs to FN66 Cuirassier Command on Standing Horses in Reserve, at Ease. As the 2nd regiment I plan on making them in reserve watching the 7th Regiment charging across the valley floor of Waterloo, or that is what I see in my minds eye.
Here is a guy watching as his horse is grazing. He belongs to the FN67 Cuirassiers on Standing Horses, at Ease(1).
These poses that the perry brothers are doing are quite unique and very rare compared to what's out there these days.

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